What We Offer
Understanding your appointment

General Foot Care
Vascular and neurological assessment, medical history taken, skin and nails assessed, nails cut, cleared and filed, thickened nails reduced, chilblains treated, hard skin debrided and filed, corns enucleated, cracked heels treated, cream applied (if appropriate), emollient and footwear advice provided (where necessary).
Consultation/Review of service
Discussion regarding the presenting problem and examination of the foot or review of previous treatment carried out. No treatments carried out at this appointment but education and advice provided.
Vascular and neurological assessment and medical history taken. Education as to the nature of Verrucae, debriding as necessary, occluding with zinc oxide tape and discussion regarding other treatments available. Will require several appointments, discussed at assessment stage.
Athlete’s Foot
Vascular and neurological assessment and medical history taken. Skin scrapings taken if necessary. Discussion of the various treatment methods available, care plan agreed and treatment started.
Fenestration Method Fungal Nail Treatment
Method of treating fungal nails involving drilling micro holes into the affected nails and applying fungal treatment. Treatment requires several appointments, discussed at assessment appointment.
In-growing Toenails
Vascular and neurological assessment and medical history taken. Conservative treatments discussed initially. Discussion of treatments available including nail surgery, care plan agreed and treatment started.
Foot and Heel Pain assessment and treatment
Vascular and neurological assessment, medical history taken. Strapping and taping as required. Footwear assessment and education. Exercises and orthotics as necessary. Discussion of results and treatment options.
Biomechanical Assessment
Vascular and neurological assessment, medical history taken, weight-bearing and non weight-bearing biomechanical assessment, assessment of gait, limb length assessment.
Insoles and Orthotics
Off-the-shelf and bespoke orthotics provided following full biomechanical/foot and heel pain assessment.
Foot Mobilisation Therapy (FMT)
Pain in the ankles, feet and toes which can be caused by arthritic changes, injury or illness. What is often happening in these areas is that the soft tissue surrounding the joints have developed increased tone which restricts movement and can make the areas tender to touch and hurt when we stand or move and sometimes even when we are at rest. One of the techniques to improve the movement of these joints and to reduce the feelings of pain is Foot Mobilisation Therapy (FMT). This involves a gentle manipulation of the joint by increasing the range of motion and increasing the messages of pain relief to the brain.
Nail Surgery
We always try and treat ingrowing toenails conservatively but sometimes the only way to solve a recurring problematic toenail is to remove part or all of it completely. It may sound a little daunting but it really is quite straightforward. We put some local anesthetic into your toe to numb the pain completely, take the problematic part of the nail away and dress it with a large bandage which is replaced by a much smaller dressing a couple of days later.
Nail surgery is performed on a Saturday morning at a price of £360 and then £100 for each additional toe nail to be removed at the same time.
Please contact us if you would like further information or if you have any other questions to ask before booking with us.